Thursday, August 7, 2008

Charro Beans!

Hello World! Apologies up front for not posting last night. We visited a family member who'd just had surgery and it turned into a long night. No worries though; said family member is doing very well! Let me say by the way, that said family member is extremely tough and courageous. He was being a real trooper! GET WELL SOON!

Okay, so yesterday was a walking morning. We did our one mile with the doggies. I think they enjoy it very much. By the time Manuel left for work, they were zonked out! (Must be nice...)

In addition, Manuel and I got in a lot of walking at night from the parking garage at the hospital to the actual room number for the family member we were visiting. We went back and forth a couple times. By my estimates, low-balling it, I'd say it was at least one mile. Hence, getting home late and catching some immediate zzzz's.

By the way, before I list my meals/snacks from yesterday...I want to say that Tuesday night after I posted my blog, I was hungry again, so I had a Jello cup at about 9:40pm.

7:00am - 2 scrambled eggs with ham, 2 slices of 'diet' bread
9:50am - drinkable low fat yogurt and cheese stick1:15pm - chicken breast, white rice, a few left over snap peas, half avocado
4:45pm - small red apple
5:05pm - protein drink
6:45pm - (ate out due to hospital visit); 6-8oz of beef fajitas, one serving of mexican rice, two spoons of charro beans, one corn tortilla, one flour tortilla, handful of corn chips

Alright! So I've made it through the majority of the week. I'm already missing a lot of the junk food fuel I used to pump into my body... But that's okay. I think I'll live. *sigh* *smile*

Have a great day!


Unknown said...

The key is to pack plenty of snacks! Combined with lots of water and soon you won't be feeling hungry.

Nawtykitty said...
